Genre: Drama, 10-minute play
Synopsis: Self-righteous, public health practitioner Rebecca Cohen, strongly influenced by her mother—a hardcore environmental activist—turns her attention to the environmental impact on human health. Her target is a nuclear power company. Rebecca’s mission is to persuade the head scientist of the company to change their research to a renewable form of energy that does no harm. The scientist is Rebecca’s estranged grandmother, Grandma Cohen.
Characters (in order of appearance):
GRANDMA COHEN: Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, grandmother age
REBECCA COHEN: GRANDMA COHEN’s granddaughter, a public health practitioner in her 20s
Place: A conference room in a nuclear power company in Pittsburgh.
Time: Mid-morning, 2012.
Tea kettle
Drinking glasses (2)
Fresh mint
Fruit platter that includes grapes and berries
Tabulated notebook (2)