Genre and running time: drama; 90 minutes
Synopsis: In this historical-to-contemporary drama, an idealistic Israeli in his 80s pays a surprised visit to an all-business scientist and her family in the United States because he believes the scientist to be the daughter of a long-lost friend. He is confronted with a less-than-ideal greeting, however, when the scientist is no longer able to suppress her locked-up feelings of having grown up in a Palestinian refugee camp as the result of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the 1940s.
Character breakdown (4W; 3M):
JONATHAN HAR'EL – male, 20s and 80s (Jewish, Ashkenazik)
MIRIAM – female, 20s (Jewish, Ashkenazik)
ZAREFAH – female, 20s (Palestinian Muslim)
SAED – male, 20s (Palestinian Muslim) – family friend of Miriam
MARIAM AL-ISAM – female, 50s (Palestinian Muslim) – daughter of Saed
RUTH GREEN – female, 20s (Jewish, Ashkenazik)
MUBARAK AL-ISAM – male, 50s (Palestinian Muslim)
Jonathan Har’el can be played by the same actor at each age.
Miriam and Ruth Green can be played by the same actor.
Musical Pieces: “Em Mariam’s Lullaby” music by Julie Harris. Additional music written for scene changes is available (studio recorded), composed by Julie Harris. “Hatikva”.
Set requirements: Scenes include four living rooms and a laboratory, which can be done with a sparse set.
Intended Audience: Anyone
Content/language: No foul language; minimal Hebrew and Arabic.
Production History: Unproduced
Seeking: Script reading; stage reading