Genre: Drama, one-act play
Synopsis: It is a half hour before the Reverend is to open her new Sanctuary with the promise of salvation for her lgbtq+ congregants. But as the Reverend and her young contractor are wrapping up some last touches to make the building presentable, a series of mishaps occur and the building starts to fall apart around them. As they frantically put out the escalating fires, the Reverend’s adoptive mother arrives to denounce this Sanctuary. With this condemnation, the Reverend’s naïve contractor begins to undo the construction work she has done in order to avoid God’s damnation. How will the Reverend save her flock without alienating her own mother in the process?
Characters (in order of appearance):
REVEREND, an African-American lesbian from Pittsburgh, late 20s/early 30s
PARIE, one of the reverend’s lesbian congregants from the south, late teens
MOM, the reverend’s adoptive mother, Caucasian
Playwright’s Note: The race/ethnicity of PARIE is flexible.
Place: Pittsburgh
Time: Present day
Current detector
Electric drill with a screwdriver bit
Two batteries for the drill
Removable outlet covers
Buckets with water (three? five? Up to the director how many)
Fans (tall, short, a few – up to director how many)
Folding chairs
Items to designate this as an lgbtqia church, for example:
Flags: Rainbow, blue-pink-white; pink-lavender-blue
Decoration: Double women’s and double men’s symbols
Pipes clang